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Showing posts from October, 2016

Querying While Mentally Ill

Throes of Creation by Leonid Pasternak ( source ) If you're a researcher, like me (I would call it a librarian failing, but honestly I was like this long before I signed up for my first LIS class), you'll approach every new step in the writing process with hours of reading under your belt. Before I started querying, I read every single post on Query Shark . I mean, every post. I read and watched everything I could find on how to write a query letter . That isn't even taking into account how to write a synopsis . And because I read all of those articles and blog posts, and watched the videos, I knew that rejection is part of the process. Seriously, Google "rejection is part of the process fiction writing" and this is a sample of what you'll get: How To Survive Rejection (sample quote: " they are proof that you are trying, that you are taking  part  in the  process ") How to Handle Rejection of Your Writing, Without Becoming a Baske