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Showing posts from June, 2016

Jab We Met, or, Best MPDG Fakeout, Part Two

Part One We open on the second half with Aditya having returned home, refreshed and rejuvenated by his time with Geet. He's still got all the same problems, but now he has the mental wherewithal to deal with them. Sidenote: Aditya's talking about his dad watching them, but he might as well mean his right-hand-man/assistant dude Raghav, standing behind him, who is completely and obviously in love with Aditya.

Jab We Met, or, Best MPDG Fakeout Ever, Part One

My favorite movie is a Hindi film named Jab We Met. I first watched it when it came out on DVD back in 2007 or 2008 (I had small children then so my memory is fuzzy) and it was within the first ten Hindi films I watched. Since then, I've enjoyed dozens more, but Jab We Met is still my favorite, and among other reasons, that's because it takes the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope and completely upends it. What's a Manic Pixie Dream Girl? As defined by the term's creator Nathan Rabin (and quoted in Wikipedia ) an MPDG is " that bubbly, shallow cinematic creature that exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive  writer - directors  to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures."  One of the most important qualities of an MPDG is that she exists only to advance the (male) main character's story and give him some important life lesson or whatever. Note: this movie was written and directed by Imtiaz Al