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Showing posts from March, 2016

On Being the White Girl Who Cries

Hey White Girl. I know. It's not fair. You tried really hard and you worked your ass off! You got rejected seven billion times and even then you kept going! And when you finally sold that damn piece that had eaten up your life thanklessly for years, and you hit paydirt, it was like finally, finally, God or the Universe or fate or whatever you want to call it was vindicating you and all your effort. And then it happened.


As most inaugural posts must be, this is a pretty boring introduction. I'm Jacqueline Krane, and I'm a writer who's currently seeking representation for a YA (or NA, depending on your age cutoffs) Fantasy, but most of my posts won't be directly, or at least only, about that. I live in upper east Tennessee, near the North Carolina and Virginia state borders, in the Appalachians. Yes, I do hear dueling banjos every time I drive through the mountains, but it's mostly because my guy is singing it repeatedly just to annoy me. We've been married 19 years so he's had plenty of time to perfect his technique. I have six children: three by birth, three by adoption, three boys, three girls, all of them awesome. They range in age from 17 to 8.  I'm currently earning my M.Ed., with a concentration in School Library Media. I'm a massive fangirl and a lot of my posts will be about whatever media I'm feeling enthusiastic about that day.